Brian Honigman

WordPress Website Design


wordpress website design for Brian Honigman for Wicky Design


Brian Honigman is a leading marketing consultant who helps NGOs, tech companies, and media brands earn results from their marketing. His website showcases his services, offers marketing resources, and links to his many online courses.

Addressing Problems

The main problem with Brian’s old website was a lack of organization. We reorganized the navigation structure to remove clutter and make things easier to navigate. Built using WordPress and Elementor, Brian now has the ability to easily update and add pages to his website without having to know code.

Organized Services Page

An organized services page makes it easy for users to view and select how they want to work with Brian.

brian honigman services page designed by Wicky Design in philadelphia
Brian Honigman courses page designed by Wicky Design

Marketing Courses

Brian offers many courses on various platforms like Skillshare and Linkedin. We created a courses page that lists everything he has to offer in one place, making it easy for his visitors to sign up.

Brian Honigman website design by Wicky Design

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