A Solo Business Retreat Is A Good Idea, Here’s Why

July 10, 2019

I’ve heard a few business owners I follow online talk about doing solo business retreats. Basically, they getaway for a few days to disconnect from the office and work on their businesses. I thought this was a great idea and when I brought it up to Mark, he was in. As small business owners, we often neglect our own businesses because we spend so much time serving our clients. A solo business retreat was an opportunity to getaway for a few days and really focus on some of the things we’ve been putting off for awhile.

Today, we wanted to share some of the details of our retreat and give you tips for planning your own retreat.

The Details of Our Business Retreat

We booked a two night stay in a cozy Air BnB in Lancaster, PA. We chose Lancaster because the location is far enough away from our office to feel like a getaway. The Air BnB we stayed in had all the essentials we would need to get work done and was a very comfortable and creative atmosphere. It had a full kitchen with all of the essentials, so we were able to cook meals during the day, just like we do at our home office. It had a dedicated office workspace where we could set up our laptops and be comfortable.

The location was walking distance to several markets, bars and restaurants, so at night, we ventured out to explore the city a bit. It was really nice to be able to walk to places and not have to worry about finding a parking spot.

Tips for where to stay:

  • Make sure you book a place that has all the things you would need to feel comfortable for a few days.
  • Ask about things like wifi speeds, amenities and parking so you have everything you’ll need for your stay.
  • Book a place that is far enough away from your office so you can disconnect.
  • Book in a town that has things to do at night, so you can get out, explore, and have some fun!

The Goals of Our Business Retreat

The main goal of our business retreat was to figure out the details of a new service that we will soon be providing (more coming soon!). We also wanted to plan out our content for the rest of the year, figure out marketing strategies and implement some new systems into our business. We’re happy to say that we did all of those things in just the 2 1/2 days we were away! We left our retreat feeling super productive and motivated about the future.

How to have a productive business retreat:

  • Create a to-do list before you leave.
  • Have an agenda for each day.
  • Take short breaks to refresh and recharge.

Why We Think All Solo Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Should Have A Business Retreat

When you are running a business, it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day operations. While you likely love the work that you are doing, it’s easy to get burned out and not feel motivated. A solo retreat can really help fix that because it gives you a chance to evaluate your accomplishments and set goals for the future.

Our solo business retreat was incredibly productive and got us motivated about our business. If you’re feeling lackluster about your business, we highly recommend scheduling some time to getaway. You will leave feeling refreshed and motivated about the future.

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