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Add A Secret Code To Your Website

Home Elementor Add A Secret Code To Your Website

April 14, 2022

In this video I will show you something fun!

I will show how to add an interactive Easter Egg to your Elementor website.

In this tutorial I will show 2 different ways to add a secret code to your Elementor website.

To follow this tutorial it will require Elementor Pro.
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Elementor Pro:

Konami Code CodePen:


  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 2:50 Easter Egg Section Example
  • 11:21 Easter Egg Pop-Up Example

Example #1 Code:

    var pattern = ['w', 'i', 'c', 'k', 'y'];
var current = 0;

var keyHandler = function (event) {

	// If the key isn't in the pattern, or isn't the current key in the pattern, reset
	if (pattern.indexOf(event.key) < 0 || event.key !== pattern[current]) {
		current = 0;

	// Update how much of the pattern is complete

	// If complete, alert and reset
	if (pattern.length === current) {
		current = 0;
document.getElementById("easteregg").style.display = 'block';


// Listen for keydown events
document.addEventListener('keydown', keyHandler, false);

HTML Close Button

					<div style="text-align:center"><button onclick="myFunction()">Close Me</button></div>
    function myFunction() {
  var x = document.getElementById("easteregg");
  if ( === "block") { = "none";
  } else { = "block";

Example #2 Code:

    var pattern = ['w', 'i', 'c', 'k', 'y'];
var current = 0;

var keyHandler = function (event) {

	// If the key isn't in the pattern, or isn't the current key in the pattern, reset
	if (pattern.indexOf(event.key) < 0 || event.key !== pattern[current]) {
		current = 0;

	// Update how much of the pattern is complete

	// If complete, alert and reset
	if (pattern.length === current) {
		current = 0;
	elementorProFrontend.modules.popup.showPopup( { id: 20012 } );


// Listen for keydown events
document.addEventListener('keydown', keyHandler, false);

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