Why You Should Be Blogging (And Tips To Get You Started)

February 2, 2017


With the launch of our rebrand, we decided to make blogging one of our top priorities for 2017. In the past, we would update our blog occasionally, but this year we really wanted to make it more of a focus.

Keeping up with a blog can be difficult, especially if you aren’t a writer, but the benefits to blogging outweigh the bad. Today, we’re sharing some reasons why you should be blogging, as well as giving you actionable tips to help you get started.

Why you should be blogging (and tips to get you started)

Blogging is Free Promotion

As in, you don’t have to pay to start a blog. If you have a WordPress site, a blog is included and is easy to set up. If you don’t have a WordPress site, there are plenty of free online platforms out there that allow you to setup a blog within a couple of minutes. A blog is a great, easy way to promote what you do. While it does take time to write articles, unlike advertisements or ad campaigns, it costs nothing to write a blog to promote your services.

Tip: Write about the work you’ve done for clients and show off how your services helped them.

It’s An Opportunity For People To Get To Know You

People want to buy from people, not companies. A blog is an opportunity for you to show off your personality and connect with like minded people. By writing about your industry, your struggles or what you’ve learned, you’ll be helping others solve similar problems.

Tip: Your blog posts don’t have to be perfect works of art. Think about how you would talk to a friend and write like that. People relate more to blog posts that feel conversational.

They Position You As An Expert In Your Field

While you don’t know everything there is to know about your field, you may know something that another person doesn’t. The thing is, the term “expert” is relative, and people don’t really care if you know everything. If you post helps a person solve a problem, that person will be grateful and consider you an expert. You don’t have to know everything. Just write about what you do know.

Tip: Have you ever done a Google search that didn’t give you the results you were hoping for? Write a post that solves whatever problem you are searching for. For sure, there is someone out there that is searching for answers to the same thing.

Blogs Are Good For SEO

If you’re concerned about SEO, blogs are great for that. Google likes site that have fresh new content, so if you’re blogging regularly, you should see an increase in the number of visitors on your site.

Tip: Schedule time just for writing blog posts. Whether it be 15 minutes a day or an hour a week, having a set schedule will help you stay on top of it.  You can also schedule posts to be published at a later date so you have a bank in case things get busy or you go on vacation.

Blogging has helped our marketing efforts by increasing traffic to our website and letting us connect with like minded people. If you’re just starting to blog, we hope these tips will help you come up with great content.

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