Your Website Is Launched. Now What?

February 9, 2017


Launching a new website is a big deal. You’ve spent a lot of time working on content, images and the message that you want to convey to your audience. Now that it’s live, you couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.

A good website is an important marketing tool and what you do after you’ve launched your site is just as important as the thought you put into launching it. Today, we’ll go over some things you need to be doing on your website to make sure you’re using it to it’s full marketing potential.

What do you do now that your new site is launched? Here's how to get the most out of your site.


People aren’t magically going to find your site, so you have to let them know it exists through both online and offline marketing efforts. Promote your website via social media, your business cards, your email signature and even word of mouth. The more places you share your URL, the more opportunities people have to find you.

Updating Regularly

Your website should be a living, breathing marketing tool for your business, not something that you launch and forget about. Use your blog as a tool to actively engage with your audience and be sure to keep your pages up to date with any changes that happen in your company. Google loves a site that gets updated frequently, so not only is updating your site frequently good for marketing, it helps with SEO.

Analyze Your Traffic

Understanding your website’s traffic will help you improve and focus your marketing efforts. Figure out what pages people are going to and how they are getting there. This allows you to focus more time on the channels that are bringing you the most traffic and come up with ideas for ways to improve channels that might not be working as well.

Don’t let your site go stagnant! To get the most out of your new website, you should be actively promoting, updating and analyzing it. We hope these tips help you increase your website traffic and gain new customers.


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