Why No One Is Buying What You’re Selling

August 23, 2017


You’re in business to make money. If you have a great product that no one is buying, it’s frustrating. Having a great product is only one part of the puzzle. There are several other key factors to selling that your brand might be lacking. Today, we’ll discuss some reasons why people might not be buying from you.

You're in business to make money. If you have a great product that no one is buying, it's frustrating. Having a great product is only one part of the puzzle. There are several other key factors to selling that your brand might be lacking. Here are some reasons why people might not be buying from you.

You aren’t listening to your customers

It’s your responsibility as a business owner to listen to your customers and deliver what they want. Customer feedback gives you the opportunity to improve your products so they’re exactly what people are looking for. If you aren’t listening to what they say, they will go somewhere else that delivers what they are looking for. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback.

You have horrible customer service

If your customer service stinks, people won’t buy from you – period.  If your customers feel like they aren’t being heard, or you take forever to solve their problems, you’ll lose them and risk of getting bad reviews. Here are some tips to help give your customers a great experience:

Set client expectations – Let customers know on your website it may take a few days for you to respond to an email. If you never check Twitter DM’s, be sure to say that isn’t a good way to get in touch. Put business hours in your voicemail greeting so that customers know when they can expect you in the office. Letting customers know when they can expect to hear from you helps put them at ease.

Respond to all reviews – Both good and bad, it’s a good idea to respond to the reviews you receive. Thank the people that left good reviews and make sure you deal with any bad reviews politely and appropriately.  If you resolve the problem, your customer will likely give you a second chance and anyone reading reviews will see that you take customer feedback seriously.

Have clear policies – Your policies for returns, exchanges and refunds should be laid out clearly and posted on your website. This helps eliminate questions and/or concerns someone might have about buying.

Your website stinks

If people aren’t buying, your website could be part of the problem. A poorly designed website will give customers the wrong idea about your company. Bad product photos, poor copy and an outdated design could send people running. Here are some tips to improve design:

Use good quality photos – Good photos sell. Product photos should be crisp, clean and well lit. Include multiple images of your products at different angles, so your customers can get a good idea of what they are buying.

Use good product descriptions –  Don’t skimp on your descriptions. This is one area of your website where longer, more detailed copy really matters. Remember, customers can’t physically look or hold your product, so it’s important to describe in detail what is being sold so people can get a clear picture.

People don’t know you

People like buying from people they feel like they can relate to, so don’t be afraid to add a little personality to your website and social media. If your site lacks personality people won’t feel a connection to what you have to sell. Sharing your story (nothing too personal) and giving customers a behind the scenes look can go a long way in building trust.

You aren’t consistent

New businesses start everyday, so if you aren’t communicating with your customers regularly, it’s easy for them to forget about you. Your marketing plan should include ways to regularly reach out to your customers. Whether it be through an email list or social media, you need to let people know about what’s going on in your company.

People buy from relatable brands that listen to their feedback and offer a great customer experience. Can your brand improve in any of these areas?

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