Why We Stopped Doing Logo Design

January 4, 2017


A large part of the last few months was spent really thinking about the future of our business. Rebranding was a long process, but now that it’s done, we couldn’t be happier with the results.

One of the biggest challenges with our rebranding was figuring out our offerings. Through experience, we have a good idea of who our ideal client is, and we felt like some of our old services really didn’t fit in with that person. We wanted to make sure that what we were offering was really geared toward the people we work with, so we stopped doing logo designs. Here’s why:

You Don’t Need A Logo, You Need A Brand

Yes, there is a difference. Although a logo is a representation of your company, it’s only one piece of the branding pie. Branding is a process that involves really thinking about your business, your services and your ideal clients. Instead of just creating logos, we want to help companies create a brand that helps them succeed.

In the past, we’ve seen logos we’ve worked hard on either not be used at all or change in a year. Admittedly, it hurts to see something you’ve worked on change to another design, but it makes sense. These companies weren’t thinking long term about their brand, got a logo they liked at the moment, but realized a few months in that it didn’t fit their business. We’d rather give people something they can be proud of for the life of their business.

But Aren’t You Losing Money?

Perhaps, but that’s not the business we are going after anyways. We’ve learned over the years that not everyone is the right client for us.  And that’s okay! Focusing on a specific group of people is better than trying to get out in front of everyone.

In the end, we would rather help companies get their branding down the first time rather than deliver something they aren’t really happy with. While a logo is important, we’d rather help our clients create solid brands.

If you’re struggling with your branding, we’d love to chat with you.

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