Why You Keep Getting Bad Clients

May 22, 2019

Being in business means having to deal with the occasional bad client. We’ve dealt with bad clients in the past and I’m sure we will deal with them again in the future. If you’re constantly dealing with bad clients though, it’s time to look in the mirror.

It’s not them, it’s you.

If you’re always having a hard time with clients not giving you what you need, not paying on time or being extra demanding, it’s because:

  1. Your processes are out of whack.
  2. You aren’t attracting the ideal client for your business.

There’s this misconception that bad clients are just part of being an entrepreneur. In fact, I recently received an email stating that if you aren’t dealing with difficult clients, then you aren’t seasoned in your business. This statement couldn’t be further from the truth. If this is the case for you, it’s because you aren’t attracting the right people.

The good news? You can fix this. As a business owner, you have the ability to do things your way. You get to decide the type of business you want to run and the type of clients you want to work with.

Communication Is Key

90% of the time, bad clients result in a lack of communication between you and the client. You cannot assume that people know how you run your business. You have to let them know.

Related Article: How To Set Boundaries With Clients

Figure out your client experience

The problem is, a lot of entrepreneurs don’t have this figured out. The way they work varies with each client and nothing is consistent. If you want to start attracting ideal clients, you need to figure our your client experience. I recommend writing down the perfect experience from the moment a client calls or emails you to the time you wrap up the project. Get detailed! Document exactly what should happen throughout the process of working with you.

Start sharing

Once you’ve figured out your client experience, it’s time to start sharing it. Along with adding this information to your website, I recommend creating an intro packet to send to any potential clients. You can do this no matter what industry you are in. It shows a level of professionalism and communicates exactly who you are and how you work.

You can see the details of our process on our web design page.

This might intimidate some people, but remember, if they don’t agree with the way you do things, they weren’t your ideal client. They are the bad clients that you don’t want to work with anymore. The people that read through your intro packet and agree to it are your ideal clients. They are the people you want to work with!

Difficult Clients Don’t Have to be a Thing

As a business owner, you have the power to decide exactly how you want to do things. If dealing with difficult customers has you frustrated, it’s time to figure out your processes and what your ideal client looks like. Creating a perfect client experience means you’ll start getting the clients you really want to work with and your business will run a lot more smoothly.

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Why you keep getting bad clients!

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