How To Find Clients on Social Media

June 8, 2017


Social media can be a great tool to help you find clients. In fact, most of our clients come directly from our interaction on different social networks. No matter what type of business you are in, we think social media can benefit everyone.

Below are some ways you can use social media to find clients.

Take advantage of social media to find your next client.


Join group boards filled with your target audience. Answer their questions and give them free advice. Join in on discussions and let people know who you are. Establish yourself as the group expert on a particular subject.

Live stream. One of our clients is a hair and makeup artist (Hi, Jamie!) with an active Facebook group. In her first live stream, she talked about the products she had for sale and in just 30 minutes, she sold $150 worth of products! Even if you don’t sell physical products, live streaming through Facebook is a great way to share information, answer people’s questions, or talk about a new service you’re offering.


Link to your content. Post graphics that link to your blog posts or portfolio pages. This is a great way to generate more traffic to your site!

Join group boards. Group boards are boards on Pinterest where a lot of people share content related to a similar subject. They are a great way to get your content noticed by a large amount of people quickly. Generally, you’ll have to reach out to the person that created the board and ask to join. Once they add you as a member of the group, you’ll want to regularly pin your content to that board. Along with pinning your own content, you’ll want to share the content of others in the group by pinning it to your boards.


Do a Q & A video. Q & A videos are popular on Youtube because it gives your audience a voice and helps them to get to know you better. Ask your audience for questions and provide genuine answers.

Post tutorials. Many people prefer videos over reading a manual. If you sell a product, make a video showing people how to use it.

Post on a schedule. Think of your Youtube videos like a TV show. If you post a new video at the same time each week, people will know when they can expect new content and you’ll get more eyes on it.


Search. Use the search function in Twitter to look for people in need of the products or services you provide.

Reach out to potential clients regularly and start a conversation with them. Don’t be sales-y. Just have a genuine conversation.

Participate in Twitter chats. Twitter chats use the hashtag function to group related messages together. Get to know people in these chats and share your knowledge.

Retweet and like other people’s posts. Your Twitter feed should be more than just promoting yourself. It’s super easy to like or share other people’s content on Twitter. People will appreciate the fact you shared and will likely return the favor on their own feeds!


Comment. Leave comments on other people’s post and start a conversation. Be genuine and write something more than “good post.” You want to try and start a dialogue with the person.

Post a question. Use your own platform to post a question to your audience. This is a great way to get information about your customers and increase engagement on your posts.


Find professionals to collaborate with. Linkedin is a good place to find professionals in your area that you could develop a relationship with. For example, if you’re a photographer, you could find a makeup artist in your area that could come with you on photo shoots.

Participate in groups.  Linkedin has a variety of professional groups that you can participate in to network with others. Many of them will host offline meetings as well, giving you the opportunity to meet the people you talk to online in person.

A little effort on social media can go a long way! Choose the best social networks for your business, and be active. We hope these methods help you gain clients!

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