Questions to Ask Before Working With A Brand Designer

August 3, 2018

Branding is a big investment for a small business. Before you start thinking about color schemes and logo ideas, there are important questions you need to answer first. These questions will help you gain clarity on your business and make the branding process easier.

Questions to ask before working with a brand designer

Who Am I?

This may sound like a silly question to ask, but trust that it’s essential to the process. Before you start working with a brand designer, you need to know who you are when it comes to your business. That means clearly identifying your style, personality and what makes you unique. A brand that is authentic outperforms one that is trying to be similar to another company, so really take time to think about how you’ll answer that question.

Who Are You Trying To Reach?

Your brand should speak directly to your ideal client, so before you start the branding process, it’s important to know who that person is.

Hint: “Everyone” is not a good answer.

Take time to think about the exact person that would need your products or services.

  • How old are they?
  • Are they male or female?
  • Do they have children?
  • Where do they live?

And so on… Getting really specific about who your client is will make it easier to get out in front of them with your marketing.

What Are Your Values?

What do you stand for? A good brand clearly communicates the values of the company. Think about the reasons you started your business and why you are different than other companies in the same industry. Communicating your values helps you stand out amongst your competition.

Where do you see your business going?

Where do you see your business in a year? In 5 years? in 10? Working with a brand designer is an investment in your future, so it makes sense to think about the goals you have for your company. Set goals for your company and communicate them with your brand designer.

Are you ready to pursue professional branding for your business? We’d love to help you build a solid foundation for your business. Contact us today to learn more about our branding packages.

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